Excel Concatenate with Space Formula Template 1 2 3 4 'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/ 'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-concatenate-space/ =String1&" "&String2 For these purposes, String1 and String2 are the strings you concatenate. ...
One way assuming your version of Excel (you did not mention it as asked inWelcome to your Excel discussion space!) has function TEXTJOIN inB4and copy down as necessary: =TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,OFFSET(A$4,(ROW()-ROW(A$4))*B$1,,B$1)) Your file with the above formula is attached LM_...
Method 3 – Add Blank Spaces Between Two Text Values Using the CONCATENATE Function in ExcelStep 1:Enter the following formula in cell D5.=CONCATENATE(B5, " ", C5)Formula Breakdown: The CONCATENATE formula takes 3 arguments. The first is the First Name (B5). The second is the space ...
In TEXTJOIN, you need to specify the delimiter which will add between each value, and here we have a space. After that, TRUE to ignore the blank cell, and in the end, range to get the values. =TEXTJOIN(" ",TRUE,A1:A5) Get the Excel File Add Leading Zeros in Excel Concatenate (Co...
1. Filter the last name, first name and date of birth columns for those rows where column AR is "Yes". 2. Take the 1st column, concatenate a comma-space, concatenate the 2nd column, concatenate a space, concatenate the last column formatted according to your desired date format ...
Method 2 – Bold Text in a Concatenate Formula for a Range You can also create a Macro to bold text in a concatenate formula for a data range. Read More: How to Concatenate with Space in Excel 2.1. For Specific Text You want to bold text of column B in the concatenate formula of co...
Concatenating two strings together- “Combine the status with the due date and put a hyphen in between.” Result: CONCATENATE({Status}, ' - ', DATETIME_FORMAT({Due date}, 'MM/DD/YYYY')) Finding the difference between two dates- “Subtract the end date from the start date and format th...
And if you’re thinking that you can do that by easily combining the two cells by using the concatenate formula or the & sign, you’ll find out that it doesn’t work.I have tried to use the & sign to combine the cells that contain date and time, and the resulting value is not ...
CONCATENATE("Bob"," - ", 43) => Bob - 43 CONCATENATE("\"",{Name},"\"") => "Bob" ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT(component_string) Replaces certain characters with encoded equivalents for use in constructing URLs or URIs. Does not encode the following characters: - _ . ~ ...
Concatenate Dates Convert Date to Number Convert Date to Text Month Name to Number Create Date Range from Dates Day Number of Year Month Name from Date First Day of Month Add (Subtract) Weeks to a Date If Functions with Dates Max Date ...