The Mifflin-St Jeor formulais one of the most popular and respected macro formulas for calculating Resting Energy Expenditure (REE). Your REE is the energy it takes to run your body without movement. Step 1: REE Formula REE formula for men 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5...
Correlation coefficients between the estimates and urinary excretion for men and women were 0.42 and 0.43, respectively, for sodium and 0.49 and 0.50, respectively, for sodium-to-potassium ratio. This prediction formula may provide more accurate estimation of sodium intake and sodium-to-potassium ...
Energy deposition was estimated CV,coefficient of variation from dietary intake and TDEE. Energy intakes were sig- nificantly higher for the formula-fed than breast-fed infants at 1 mo (118 f 17 versus 101 f 16 kcal/kg/d) and 4 mo (87 f 11 versus 72 2 9 kcal/kg/d) (p < 0.001...
Notwithstanding that traditionally different appropriate conversion factors have been used for the calculation of the protein content from the nitrogen content of different protein sources, recent scientific advice indicates that for the specific purposes of calculating the protein content of infant formulae ...
In this study we have measured both energy and nitrogen balances in growing low birthweight infants fed either their own mother's expressed milk or formula. The aims of the study are to compare the two dietary groups with regard to ( 1 ) the partition of energy intake into energy excretion...
It is an addictive drug for some persons, leading to the disease alcoholism. Ethanol is converted in the body first to acetaldehyde and then to carbon dioxide and water, at the rate of about half a fluid ounce, or 15 ml, per hour; this quantity corresponds to a dietary intake of ...
Thus, this study lacks data on the colostrum intake. These limitations might introduce variation in the milk composition and might affect the luminal microbiota composition and protein expression of the gut microbiota. Moreover, piglets were from 4–6 sows, by which genetic differences could cause ...
For this reason, post-hoc statistical analyses were performed. These revealed no differences in IGSQ total score between eHF and CF in the subgroup of infants who did not receive such products. According to these results, it can be assumed that the intake of the recorded products intended to...
The addition of Chlorella and Algaessence® biomass to couscous may be an appealing way to increase the daily intake of functional nutrients, such as minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids. This supplementation would promote and prevent different types of disorders such as gastric ulcers, constipati...
The fragmentor voltage (FV, 50–350V) and collision energy (CE, 0–50V) of all ingredients were optimized for greater abundances of precursor and product ion on the mass spectrometer, and the retention times were also determined by the reference solutions. The negative ion MS scan chromatogram...