电动机口诀(Motorformula) Formulaa: Thecapacitydividedbythevoltagevalueismultipliedbysix dividedbyten. Description:applicabletoanyvoltagegrade. Indailywork,someelectriciansonlyinvolveavoltagerating ofoneortwotypesoftransformerratedcurrent.Tosimplify theaboveformula,theformulaofcalculatingtheratedcurrent ofeachvoltage...
After calculating the total resistance, we divide the voltage by resistance (by Ohm's law) to calculate current. What is the formula for current in a parallel circuit? The formula for the current in a parallel circuit can be found using Kirchhoff's rules and Ohm's law. It is given by ...
In the pithy formula: how to calculate the power factor can be seen from the active and reactive meters. The power factor can be calculated by calculating the electricity consumption of the current month. Some enterprises have no power factor meter, power meter or reactive compensation equipment ...
Electric power calculator calculation general basic electrical formulas mathematical voltage electrical equation formula for power calculating energy work power watts calculator equation power law current charge resistance converter ohm's law and power l
Problems may involve calculating speed itself or rearranging the equation for speed to solve for time or distance. The Equation for Rate All rates have equations associated with them. The equations relate the change being measured and the amount of time that has passed. The equation for speed ...