意式态度先锋玛莎拉蒂宣布,将继续以厂商车队身份出征ABB FIA Formula E世界锦标赛,并计划于第13赛季(2026/2027赛季)以GEN4赛车再创辉煌。 三叉戟品牌坚定参与FE赛事,再次彰显了其对顶级电动系列赛的决心,而未来GEN4赛车时代的到来,无疑也将为这家总部位于摩德纳的超豪华汽车制造商带来更广阔的发展空间。
2024年5月23日,捷豹TCS车队于上海前滩举行媒体见面会,与中国媒体进行近距离交流、互动,表达了再次回到这片土地参赛的喜悦之情,并期待本周末为中国车迷朋友们献上“电”力十足的精彩对决,强调车队将继续参加Formula E第四代(GEN4)赛车纪元的长期承诺。 捷豹TCS车队在缔造其最佳Formula E“双连赛”表现后,目前以237...
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The latest news on Formula E from Autosport's team of world-leading journalists. Expert reviews, articles, analysis and more.
Could the NXT Gen Cup be a good entry-level series for drivers before competing in Formula E? In the electrifying world of racing, the NXT Gen Cup is emerging as a beacon of innovation, especially for young Skid Block in F1 – What It Is And Why It Excists Formula 1, the pinnacle...
Today the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team will unveil the GEN3 Evo generation of the Porsche 99X Electric. Motorsports18/10/2024 Gabriela Jílková and Marta García to test the Porsche 99X Electric Porsche has nominated Gabriela Jílková and Marta García to test drive the Porsche 99X Elec...
Experience the thrill of electric racing with Maserati in Formula E. Discover the team, the technology, and the future of motorsport.
. Over their 58 race entries, they have won five races and stood on the podium 13 times. During Season 9, the team also confirmed their commitment to Formula E until Season 12 of the all-electric championship and in Shanghai this year went a step further and will stay during GEN4....
北京时间2023年1月14日-15日,2022/23 ABB世界电动方程式锦标赛(ABB FIA Formula E World Championship)第九赛季的首站赛将在墨西哥举行,并将通过Formula E website进行现场赛事直播。届时,日产Formula E车队也将携全新Gen3赛车首次亮相。 这款车的车身设计上融入了醒目的樱花图案,而樱花象征了全新开始,标志着车队...
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