I hope today you can help me to resolve this two issue. 1) Both formula is working fine (See the below images Sheet1,2,3). If you can see the below images that sheet3 have value "0" then this formulas is work but if in same shell (Sheet3) not data (Blank) ( S...
With F1 2018, it looks like the developers are improving upon the strong foundation laid by its predecessor. Posted By Ashish Isaac | On 01st, Aug. 2018Facebook Twitter RedditF1 2018 is set to be the latest installment in the Formula One franchise from Codemasters. The game looks visually ...
Sabeel Hi, Try one of these formulas: =IF(OR(ISNUMBER(MATCH(F3,$A$3:$A$9,0)), ISNUMBER(MATCH(G3,$B$3:$B$9,0)), ISNUMBER(MATCH(H3,$C$3:$C$9,0))),"done","") =IF(SUMPRODUCT(--(F3:H3=$A$3:$C$9)),"done","") ...
And also see my other replay. Because new problem is coming. It seems that you don't read my replies carefully. Please read my last two replies and respond accordingly. Subodh_Tiwari_sktneer Hello, Do you have any solution for me ?
Yes, both formula is work. what if o can put value in sheet2 shell " IT Issues 2H ". so where i have cheng the formula ? And also see my other replay. Because new problem is coming.
Yes, both formula is work. what if o can put value in sheet2 shell " IT Issues 2H ". so where i have cheng the formula ? And also see my other replay. Because new problem is coming.
And also see my other replay. Because new problem is coming. Subodh_Tiwari_sktneer Hello, Yes, you are right. as i said am only interested to identify only number (Which is sheet2 " IT Issues 2 ") and minus with other sheet shell (Minus alway with 8). ...
=IF(OR(ISNUMBER(MATCH(F3,$A$3:$A$9,0)), ISNUMBER(MATCH(G3,$B$3:$B$9,0)), ISNUMBER(MATCH(H3,$C$3:$C$9,0))),"done","") =IF(SUMPRODUCT(--(F3:H3=$A$3:$C$9)),"done","") Hope that helps Sabeel Can you be more clear?
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