functionninja_forms_register_field_profile_pass(){ $args =array('name'=> __('Password','ninja-forms'),'display_function'=>'ninja_forms_field_profile_pass_display','group'=>'standard_fields','edit_label'=>true,'edit_label_pos'=>false,'default_label_pos'=>'left','edit_req'=>true,'...
In this example we are going to get all the responses from a form where the user selects a Caribbean country, create an Excel file in SharePoint and from that file select just those responses where Aruba was selected and add those responses into...
GoerTek will permit Plantronics to enter its premises, at reasonable times, for the purpose of inspecting and testing units of the Product and to check the materials and method of manufacture, assembly, labeling, testing and packaging in order to ensure that the same conform to the Specifications...