Twitter Google Share on Facebook song form (redirected fromsong forms) n (Music, other) another name forternary form Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
During the Renaissance, the motet became a popular type of polyphonic music that used three or four voices. The composers set the music to sacred Latin texts for use in religious services or as part of a mass. It was common for a composer to base a motet on a fixed melody like a chan...
the past performance of a race horse known ability to perform a singer at the top of her form condition suitable for performing (as in athletic competition) back on form verb transitive verb to give a particular shape to : shape or mold into a certain state or after a particular model a...
2.the art of writing poems. 3.prose with poetic qualities. 4.poetic qualities however manifested. 5.poetic spirit or feeling. 6.something suggestive of poetry. [1350–1400; Middle Englishpoetrie< Medieval Latinpoētriapoetic art, derivative ofpoētapoet] ...
This phenomenon is known as commensality, a term that is defined as the act of eating together and has its etymological origin in the Latin word “Mensa”, which means to live together at the table. Therefore, commensality is considered as the act of sharing a meal with others [5,6]. ...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 PBS tonight aired the first part of a two part series called“Latin Music USA”that gives a very good overview of not just salsa but all Latin music. Covering everything from Latin Jazz to Latin Pop, the series does an excellent job of explaining the roots and...
Alfred's Essentials of Music Theory: Double Bingo Game -- Rhythm By Andrew Surmani, Karen Farnum Surmani, and Morton Manus Book $21.99 Afro-Latin Rhythm Dictionary By Thomas A. Brown Handy Guide Textbook $6.99 A Music Teacher's Gratitude Journal ...
Believe it or not, 13 years have passed since San Diego first saw the Sabor on the Bay Latin boat cruise hit the dance scene. This year’s event on May 28th will feature a mix of live music, rooftop deck dancing and a special themed Reggaeton floor. The theme for the event is to ...
4th of July New Years Presidents Day St. Patrick's Day Easter Mother's Day Father's Day Other Valentine's Day Interactive Learning Lapbooking Notebooking Puzzles & Games Word Search Puzzles Crossword Puzzles Bi...
“The brilliant kernel of the` “From time to time, The clouds give rest To the moon-beholders.” “The old pond— A frog jumps in, Aound of water.”Horatian ode Named after its creator, the Latin poet Horace, Horatian ode is a type of poetry that comprise of two or four-line...