These and other forms of capital exist only in relation to the fields in which they are deployed: their distribution constitutes the structure of the field within which agents act and they confer power over the field, over the mechanisms that define the functioning of the field and over the ...
Forms of capital and social structure in cultural fields: Examining Bourdieu s social topography. Anheier, H. K,Gerhards. The American Journal of Sociology . 1995Anheier, H.K., J. Gerhards and F.P. Romo, 1995. Forms of capital and social structure in cultural fields...
布迪厄:the+forms+of+capital(英文).pdf,The Formsof Capital 47 lIIaximize monetary profit cannot be defined tions, and at the cost of the more or less expen- 2 (Ill Ruehwithout producing the purposeless sive transformations which are the precondi- Inali
structure of the distribution of the different typesand subtypes of capital at a given moment in time represents the immanent struc-ture of the social world, i.e., the set of constraints, inscribed in the very reality ofthat world, which govern its functioning in a durable way, determining ...
The structure of the field, i.e., the unequal distribution of capital, is the source of the specific effects of capital, i.e., the appropriation of profits and the power to impose the laws of functioning of the field most favorable to capital and its reproduction. But the most powerful ...
And the structure of the distribution of the different types and subtypes of capital at a given moment in time represents the immanent struc- ture of the social world, i.e., the set of constraints, inscribed in the very reality of that world, which govern its functioning in a durable way...
9 PIERRE BOURDIEU The Forms of Capital The social world is accumulated history, and if it is not to be reduced to a discontinuous series of instantaneous mechanical equilibria between agents who are treated as interchangeable particles, one must reintroduce into it the notion of capital and with ...
inscribed in the objectivity of things so that everything is not equally possible or impossible.[1] And the structure of the distribution of the different types and subtypes of capital at a given moment in time represents the immanent structure of the social world, i.e. , the set of ...
to reproduce itself in identical or expanded form, contains a tendency to persist in its being, is a force inscribed in the objectivity of things so that everything is not equally possible or impossible.[1]And the structure of the distribution of the different types and subtypes of capital ...
'\\II! Thesocialworldisaccumulatedhistory,and ifitisnottobereducedtoadiscontinuous seriesofinstantaneousmechanicalequilibria between agents whoaretreated asinter- changeableparticles,onemustreintroduce intoitthenotionofcapitalandwithit,accu- mulationandallitseffects.Capitalisaccumu- latedlabor(initsmaterialized for...