Business English 商务英语 Unit 2 Forms of Business Ownership 企业产权形式 Teaching Objectives ? 1. To know the basic forms of business ownership; ? 2. To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each form; ? 3. To examine mergers, acquisitions and franchises. 1. Sole Proprietorships (个人...
内容提示: Forms of Ownership One of the first decisions that you will have to make as a business owner is how the company should be structured. This decision will have long-term implications, so consult with an accountant and attorney to help you select the form of ownership that is right...
内容提示: Forms of Business OwnershipForms of Business Ownership Forms of Business OwnershipForms of Business Ownership Chapter 4 文档格式:PDF | 页数:32 | 浏览次数:8 | 上传日期:2012-09-08 12:34:01 | 文档星级: Forms of Business OwnershipForms of Business Ownership Forms of Business Ownership...
Unit_1_Forms_of_Business_Ownership 热度: Unit+3+Forms+of+Business+Ownership 热度: Strategic human resource management in western multinationals in China_ The differentiation of practices across different ownership forms.pdf 热度: Chapter3 FormsofOwnership ...
Chapter1FormsofBusinessOwnership(企业产权形式) SoleProprietorships个人企业 Partnerships合伙企业 JointVentures合资企业 Corporations公司 LimitedLiabilityCompanies有限责任公司 Mergers&Acquisitions企业兼并和收购 Franchises特许经营 ⒈SoleProprietorships Anorganizationthatisowned,andusuallymanaged,byonepersoniscalledasole prop...
1. To know the basic forms of business ownership; 2. To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each form; 3. To examine mergers, acquisitions and franchises. 1. Sole Proprietorships (个人企业即独资经营企业) anization that is owned, and usually managed, by one person. ...
FormsofBusinessOwnership DUTP Lead-in Whichformofbusinessisthebest?Thebestbusinessformissimplytheonethatfits.Oneformwillnotfitallbusinesses.Themostthatcanbesaidaboutthebestformisthatasbusinessesgrow,theytendtobecomecorporations,iftheyarenotalreadystructuredthatway.Soleproprietorship,partnershipandcorporationarethethree...
Chapter 02Forms of Business Ownership (1)ABasicBusinessReader Chapter2FormsofBusinessOwnership(1)Objectives Afterstudyingthischapteryouwillbeableto:Understandthenatureofsoleproprietorshipsandpartnerships.Describetheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofsoleproprietorships.Describetheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofpartnerships....
Introduction to Business EnglishIntroduction to Business Englishr Chapter 1 1 Forms of Business Ownership Forms of Business Ownership ContentsCourse IntroductionChapter 1Arrangement and RequirementChapter 1Arrangement and Requirement Course IntroductionW hy should we learn Business English? f f13How can we ...
商业英语_01Forms of Business Ownership IntroductiontoBusinessEnglish Chapter1 FormsofBusinessOwnership Contents CourseIntroductionArrangementandRequirement Chapter1 CourseIntroduction WhyshouldwelearnBusinessEnglish?WhatshouldwelearnforBusinessEnglish?HowcanwelearnBusinessEnglishwell?13 WhyshouldwelearnBusinessEnglish?-...