Remark on the Number of Classes of Binary Quadratic Forms of a Given Negative Determinant: Trace Archive RFC v.2.4 7/22/2008 Preface This is a revised version o
Crowther studied the distribution of a quadratic form in a matrix normal variate. This, in some sense, is extended by De Waal. They represented the density function of this quadratic form in terms of generalized Hayakawa polynomials. Application of some specific results of these authors facilitates...
pair of一对 in pairprep.成双成对 pair with与…配对 interconversion of chair forms【化】 椅式互变 quadratic Euclidean domain二次欧几里得整环 quadratic constraints二次约束 相似单词 pairn.[C] 1.一双,一对,一副 2.(由两个相同部分组成的)一条,一把 3.一对夫妇;已订婚的一对;一对情侣 4.(动物...
To accelerate the computation of the estimate, two forms of half-quadratic regularization, multiplicative and additive, are often used. The goal of this paper is to compare both theoretically and experimentally the efficiency of these two forms. We provide a theoretical and experimental analysis of ...
This is the first of two papers describing a study of the effect of departures from assumptions, other than normality, on the null-distribution of the F-statistic in the analysis of variance. In this paper, certain theorems required in the study and concerning the distribution of quadratic for...
Part of the book series: Progress in Mathematics ((PM,volume 85)) 642 Accesses Abstract Let Q(x) = Q(x 1 x 2,…, x n) be a quadratic form with integer coefficients and p be an odd prime. Let µ=µ(Q,p) be minimal such that there is a nonzero x∈Z n with max |x ...
Quadratic forms in models of , Part II: Local equivalenceIn this second paper of the series we do a local analysis of quadratic forms over completions of a non-standard model of I Δ 0 + Ω 1 I Δ 0 + Ω 1 mathContainer ... P D’Aquino,A Macintyre - 《Annals of Pure & Applied...
The main result is thatr quadratic forms in more than 4r 2+4r variables possess a common nontrivialp-adic zero. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Similar content being viewed by others Pfister forms in the algebraic and geometric theory...
The first part is preliminary and consists of algebraic number theory and the theory of semisimple algebras. There are two principal topics: classification of quadratic forms and quadratic Diophantine equations. The second topic is a new framework which contains the investigation of Gauss on the sums...
the distribution of a positive definite quadratic form in independent normal variates has been the subject of several papers in recent years [6], [11], [12], laborious computations are required to prepare from existing results the percentiles of the distribution and a table of hit probabilities....