Although not all nouns in Spanish are past participles of verbs, a great number are derived from a common root. So by learning the verb, you’re likely learning a noun (or two) anyway. For example, the verbamarcould becomeamado(the loved one) oramante(the lover).Amadois the participle....
微课名称:Forming abstract nouns from verbs and adjectives 知识点来源:牛津高中英语模块四三单元word power 录制工具:手机 微课设计简介:选入一个小的知识切入点抽象名词,让学生通过观看微课视频理解通过把动词和形容词加上后缀构成抽象名词。 微课教学设计内容:物质名词和抽象名词,把动词和形容词加上后缀构成抽象名词...
Word Forming Powers of Process VerbsStudying structural, phono-morphological, semantic, stylistic, word-forming and lexical conformities regulating syntagmatic connections in word-formation, requires studying system restrictions of the word-forming morphemes combinability, predetermined by the meaning of a ...
Semantic Restrictions of Forming Derivative Nouns in the Class of the Process VerbsLiliya Ponomaryova