Whether it’s an office building, a home (if the company is run from a residence) or any other physical location, every LLC in Oregon must have a designated street address. It can be outside the state, but it cannot be a P.O. Box. If you run a home-based business and don't wa...
C corporation (single or multi-member LLCs).When taxed as a C corp, all business profits are taxed at the corporate rate. Any profit distributions taken by LLC members are also subject to personal income taxes; this is known as double taxation. Members of a C corp don’t have to pay ...
ZomeTek, LLC (Tukwila, WA, US) International Classes: E04B5/02;E04B1/19 View Patent Images: Download PDF 20190186131 Primary Examiner: LIU, XUE H Attorney, Agent or Firm: Mohr Intellectual Property Law Solutions, P.C. (Portland, OREGON, US) ...
A method for applying a plural-layer coating to the outside of a liquid container to act as an anti-leakage barrier in the event of a penetration wound occurring in the container resulting from a penetrating projectile strike, such as a bullet strike. Th
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En Iso 13565-2: Dec. 1997. [in process of locating copy]. Primary Examiner: KECK, DANIEL M Attorney, Agent or Firm: thyssenkrupp North America, LLC (Beaverton, OREGON, US) Claims: What is claimed is: 1.A stabilizer adhesive bearing for a vehicle stabilizer, the stabilizer adhesive bearing...
Limited Ownership: An LLC generally can only have up to 100 owners. This can be a limiting factor for businesses that want to bring in additional capital. Cost of Formation: Forming an LLC can be a costly process, as it often requires filing fees, legal fees, and other costs associated ...
An LLC limits the owner’s personal liability while also offering tax benefits. Learn the top LLC advantages and when you should form one.