As the Los Angeles Police Department holds its breath over the selection of its next chief, officials this week announced the selection of the agency’s new top watchdog. Django Sibley, a former police officer in the United Kingdom, was named executive director of the Los Angeles Police Commi...
After the crash, Gooding went on to have a 25-year career with the Maryland State Police in Carroll County, part of which was spent overseeing the resident trooper program, but his experience as a rookie at the Pan Am crash site is still the memory that stands out most to him. Gooding...
Former Police Officer Cries as Jury Finds Her Not Guilty of Burglary; NIGHT OUT ENDED IN A RUINED CAREER AFTER PHONE INCIDENTByline: ROBIN TURNER Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
a former Stoughton Police Officer, represent the single worst act of not just professional misconduct but indeed human indecency that I have observed in a nearly three-decade career in law enforcement."
"To put a police officer who has spent his entire career locking up bad guys in with these bad guys, it doesn't take a genius to know that's obviously going to get him in trouble," Wendt said. "It's unconscionable that this happened to him." ...
It took 15 years, homelessness, depression and PTSD, but Cariol Horne, the former Buffalo Police Department police officer who was fired for saving Neal Mack's life in 2006, finally won her battle with her former employer.
Can you tell us how you went from being a police officer to a school principal? I began my career as a police officer in Virginia with the goal of becoming an FBI agent. I was later promoted to one of the two Tactical Teams (SWAT) and started training with the S...
77.The former police officer is now working as a private investigator. 78.The former president of the club was honored at the event. 79.Former relationships can sometimes be hard to let go of. 80.The former owner of the restaurant sold it to new management. 81.John is a former student...
New body camera footage was released Thursday after a former Idaho Springs, Colorado officer was fired for using a Taser on a 75-year-old man without warning.
Pennsylvania State Police spokesperson Trooper Steve Limani said authorities no longer believed they would find Ms Pollard alive, but that work to find her remains continued. “Unless it’s a miracle, most likely this is a recovery,” he said. ...