Die Formelsammlungen der Franziskaner-Observanten in Ungarn (ca. 1450–1554)doi:10.17167/mksz.2023.1.133-137AZIDOTHYMIDINEACADEMIAMOONBROTHERSSISTERSThe article "The Formula Collections of the Franciscan Observants in Hungary (ca. 1450-1554)" discusses the significance of t...
The empirical basis consists of emotive formulas from the dialogue passages in the detective novel Im Wald by Nele Neuhaus and in its translation into Polish by Anna Urban and Miosz Urban. The following paper focuses on two research questions: 1) What formulas are used to signal emotions such...
As Molnár insightfully notes, these formularies, so seemingly uninteresting at first glance, in fact capture the richness of an entire era through an institutional lens. As the subject of modern scholarly study for over a century, formularies have long been known for the...
The reflections of the pandemic in different economic sectors have led to a challenging situation for labour. The effects of the pandemic on labour have not been homogeneous for all sectors, and especially for certain service areas where informal work is predominant, the impact of...