3. File Station File Station 打开docker 文件夹,创建formbricks文件夹,postgres、uploads文件夹 image-20240506185615511 image-20240506185615511 postgres 为formbricks的数据库文件存放目录 uploads 为formbricks的附件文件存放目录 4. 创建stack portainer-slack-add portainer-slack-add 5. 部署代码 version: "3.3" x-...
2. 本地部署 Docker:这是最常用的部署方式,通过 Docker 镜像可以快速搭建开发环境。确保 docker 和 docker compose 安装在您的服务器/系统上,详细部署文章,请参考官方docker安装部署文档。 手动部署:如果你熟悉服务器配置,也可以手动部署,但需要配置 Node.js、数据库等环境。可使用官方提供的一键部署脚本formbricks.s...
189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions 189 formbricks/docker-compose.yml Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ # # See: https://formbricks.com/docs/self-hosting/configuration # version: "3.8" x-environment: &environment environment: ### REQUIRED...
Issue Summary Run Formbricks with Docker locally and initial setup in dashboard. Add this code to local html page in <head> tag: <!-- START Formbricks Surveys --> <script type="text/javascript"> !function(){var t=document.createElement("...
mkdir -p /volume1/docker/formbricks/{data,uploads} # 进入 formbricks 目录 cd/volume1/docker/formbricks #将 docker-compose.yml 放入当前目录 # 一键启动 docker-compose up -d 运行 在浏览器中输入http://群晖IP:3374就能看到欢迎界面 创建管理员账号 ...
Docker- to run PostgreSQL and MailHog Local Setup To get started locally, we've got aguide to help you. Gitpod Setup Click the button below to open this project in Gitpod. This will open a fully configured workspace in your browser with all the necessary dependencies already installed. ...
.gitpod.yml .npmrc .prettierrc.js .vercelignore CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md CONTRIBUTING.md LICENSE README.md SECURITY.md docker-compose.yml package.json playwright.config.ts pnpm-lock.yaml pnpm-workspace.yaml turbo.json vitest.workspace.tsBreadcrumbs formbricks /apps /demo / package.json Latest...
docker network create -d bridge private Make sure you have docker buildx locally on your machine where you run the kamal CLI from! Voila! You are all set to deploy your application to the cloud with Kamal! 🚀 kamal setup -c kamal/deploy.yml This will setup the cloud VM with all the...
URL to the application https://formbricks.com/ Source code https://github.com/formbricks/formbricks Application Icon https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/105877416 Link to Docker compose https://github.com/formbricks/formbricks/blob/main/docker/docker-compose.yml ...
docker/formbricks.sh (1) 251-251: LGTM! Default value and docker-compose update are properly implemented. The implementation correctly: Sets a default value of 1 when email service is not configured Updates the docker-compose.yml with the authenticated_smtp value Also applies to: 278-278 apps...