On a single page add all your cited list that you took to support your study or writing at the end of a research paper. Take care of these few things like Page numbers, Title, Spacing, and Alphabetical order of reference.
∙Create a header that numbers all pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner, one-half inch from the top and flush with the right margin. When putting the page number (header) in the upper right-hand of each page, it should include author's last name followed by page number....
Headerwithpagenumbersintheupperrightcorner UseitalicsfortitlesEndnotesgoonaseparatepagebeforeyourWorks Citedpage Formattingthe1stPage NotitlepageDoublespaceeverythingIntheupperleftcornerofthe1stpage,listyourname,yourinstructor'sname,thecourse,anddate Centerthepapertitle(usestandardcaps...
includes the author's name (listed as last name, first initial), the year of publication, the title of the article or book, the name of the publication or publisher in italics, and if available, volume and/or issue numbers, page numbers, and in the case of online sources, a DOI or ...
Note the header information in the upper-left corner, the last name and page numbers in the upper-right corner, the double spaced text, and indentations that begin each paragraph. General MLA Formatting Rules Font: Your paper should be written in 12-point text. Whichever font you choose, ...
The page number goes in the upper-right, after the writer’s last name: i.e., Smith 2. Page numbers can easily be set in Word by double-clicking the header area. A legible font You don’t need to sweat this detail by picking out your favorites: the two most used fonts are Arial...
Numbers, Publisher, Publication date, Location. The appropriate punctuation mark will follow each core element, unless it is the final piece. In this case, the punctuation mark would be a period. Here’s how an actual source looks when cited using MLA 8: ...
In an APA formatted paper, the page number appears in the top right corner of each page. This placement is part of the running head, which also includes a shortened version of the paper’s title. The consistent placement of page numbers in the top right corner aids in easy navigation and...
An MLA Style Paper should: • Have a header with page numbers located in the upper right-hand corner • Use italics for titles of long works • Place endnotes on a separate page before the Works Cited page Format: General Guidelines (cont.) Look on your sample paper and mark each ...
- Page numbers, when the specific pages are cited. Now let us review the in-text citation rules. AMA style in-text citation is needed to tell the reader where you have taken the information from. It is used not only when the direct quote from the source is used, but also when you ...