Thanks for all your info from your site! I was wondering if it is possible to do conditional formatting on a cell in red based on another cell's content and if other cells on the sheet are blank. E.g. I have a drop down for cell J6 with options Completed, Declined, N/A and I ...
Hello team, I need help please. If possible; in cell C3 I want to format color fills, but I need it based off of cells A3 & B3. Specifically, if B3 is equal to or greater than A3 then C3 is green. Then for the other, if B3 is less than A3 less then C3 is red. Thank you...
In D2: =EDATE(A2,IF(B2="RED",1,IF(B2="AMBER",3,IF(B2="GREEN",6))) or =EDATE(A2,IFS(B2="RED",1,B2="AMBER",3,B2="GREEN",6)) This can be filled down Could you attach a workbook demonstrating the error?
With formula-based conditional formatting, it’s pretty easy to base the formats on other cells in the workbook, simply by referring to those cells in the formula. However, it’s more complicated if you want color scales derived from values in another range. In this post I discuss two ...
Based on your description, it is hard to completely understand your task. However, I’ll try to guess that you want to highlight in color the cells in which name first appears. Try this conditional formatting formula: =COUNTIF($A$1:A1,A1)=1 For the detailed instructions, please see:...
Sometimes you may need to select all cells based on formatting of other cells in Excel. Once the cells with same formatting are selected, you can modify them as a group. For example, you can apply different formatting to the selected cells. ...
In theFormat Cellswindow, choose any of theFillcolors. ClickOK. ClickOK. This formats the top 5 cells in theQuantitycolumn. Method 2 – Based on Another Cell We have the saleQuantityof the Products and we want to compare them among the products to the most sold Product. In this case,...
In Excel, conditional formatting is used to highlight any cells based on predetermined criteria and the value of those cells. We can also apply conditional formatting to highlight an entire column based on another column with some easy steps. ...
1. Highlight the data in column A, cells A1 to A5. 2. Go to the toolbar and click on Format > Conditional Formatting. 3. A box will appear on the right side of your screen containing the options for conditional formatting. 4. In the drop-down option under the “Format rules”, ...
I expect the rows for each individual items DOH to be conditionally formatted based on the rule I need in an automated process that doesn't include going row by row with format painter. Then, to be able to copy those colors to the Total Inventory cells below (without th...