Type: Bug For whatever reason it is not letting me format my code while using the shortcut command (shift, alt, F) and continuously saying that there is no formatter installed. I've installed multiple formatter from prettier to python in...
Vscode info: Version: 1.81.1 (Universal) Commit: 6c3e3dba23e8fadc360aed75ce363ba185c49794 Date: 2023-08-09T22:20:33.924Z Electron: 22.3.18 ElectronBuildId: 22689846 Chromium: 108.0.5359.215 Node.js: 16.17.1 V8: OS: Darwin x64 21.6.0 I am using this extensi...
安装Win32DiskImagerOpen win32diskimager-1.0.0-install, choose “I accept the agreement “, 首先打开软件win32diskimager-1.0.0-install,选择I accept the agreement ,在选择Next>,然后勾选Create a desktop shortcut,在选择Next>,接下来选择Install开始安装,最后选择Finish,安装完成,如下图所示: Install and...
Supports ' and whitespace unicodes in attribute value for XAML parser compatibility. Before After 2. Pretty XML: Minimize Minimizes XML. Keyboard Shortcuts CommandPlatformShortcut Prettify XML Mac Cmd+K L Prettify XML Windows, Linux Control+K L PrettyXML: Minimize Mac Cmd+K ` PrettyXML: Minimiz...
Issue Type: Bug I'm currently working on a django project. Pressed the shortcut of CTRL + SHIFT + I (also used the other format selection one through the command palette). VS Code version: Code 1.30.0 (c6e592b, 2018-12-11T22:21:33.585Z) ...
Alternatively, you can set a keyboard shortcut by navigating to Preferences -> Keymap -> External Tools -> External Tools - Black. Vim Commands and shortcuts: ,= or :Black to format the entire file (ranges not supported); :BlackUpgrade to upgrade Black inside the virtualenv; :BlackVersion...
Alternatively, you can set a keyboard shortcut by navigating toPreferences -> Keymap. Vim Commands and shortcuts: ,=or:Blackto format the entire file (ranges not supported); :BlackUpgradeto upgradeBlackinside the virtualenv; :BlackVersionto get the current version ofBlackinside the virtualenv. ...
Alternatively, you can set a keyboard shortcut by navigating toPreferences -> Keymap. Vim Commands and shortcuts: ,=or:Blackto format the entire file (ranges not supported); :BlackUpgradeto upgradeBlackinside the virtualenv; :BlackVersionto get the current version ofBlackinside the virtualenv. ...
Alternatively, you can set a keyboard shortcut by navigating toPreferences -> Keymap. Vim Commands and shortcuts: ,=or:Blackto format the entire file (ranges not supported); :BlackUpgradeto upgradeBlackinside the virtualenv; :BlackVersionto get the current version ofBlackinside the virtualenv. ...
Open a reasonably large Vue project in VSCode Quickly mess up the formatting Run format (keyboard shortcut or command palette) And the resolution: Wait 10 seconds It seems that this issue only exists when VSCode/extensions are still be initialized. After a few moments, normal behavior returned....