This chapter discusses the concept of a formatted text file and presents the syntax of the OPEN, READ, WRITE, and CLOSE statements required to access and create such files. The important scenario in which a READ statement appears in a conditional loop structure to control the reading of a ...
Each sequential access reads or writes one or more logical records.Input ActionsIn general, a formatted read statement does the following:Reads character data from the external record or from an internal file.Converts the items of the list from character to binary form according to the instructio...
You cannot do 1,3,5,7 or 1,1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 or other such sequences without wasteful read-forwards or backspace-s. How about the following approach? Find out the largest record size in your file, and create a direct access file with that record size, and ...
Body of ftype do i=1, 56 at0(1)%awclose(i) = at0(1)%awclose(i)+i*1.0 end do open (10,file='testat0.trgx',form='FORMATTED',access='sequential',IOSTAT=ios10) write (10,10) at0(1) !10 FORMAT (A32,5F15.6, 5F15.6, 5F15.6, 5F15.6, 5F15.6, 5F15.6, 5F15.6,5F15.6,5F...
means, responsive to said means for requesting access, for searching said record locator table stored in said memory storage means, for locating an associated one of said record locator indices corresponding to said requested variable-length data record; ...
Step 5. As in Step 4, but in addition OPEN/CLOSE for each record call cpu_time(t1) do i=nrec,1,-1 ! read in reverse order open(12,file='gdat.txt',form='formatted',status='old', & access='direct',recl=lrec) read(12,fmt=40,rec=i)ia(i),ib(i) close(12) end...
Step 5. As in Step 4, but in addition OPEN/CLOSE for each record call cpu_time(t1) do i=nrec,1,-1 ! read in reverse order open(12,file='gdat.txt',form='formatted',status='old', & access='direct',recl=lrec) read(12,fmt=40,rec=i)ia(i),ib(i) close(1...
Step 5. As in Step 4, but in addition OPEN/CLOSE for each record call cpu_time(t1) do i=nrec,1,-1 ! read in reverse order open(12,file='gdat.txt',form='formatted',status='old', & access='direct',recl=lrec) read(12,fmt=40,rec=i)ia(i),ib(i...
Body of ftype call random_number(at0(1)%awclose) print *, at0(1)%awclose open (10,file='testat0.dat',form='FORMATTED',access='sequential',IOSTAT=ios10) write (10,10) at0(1) 10 format (A,1X,5EX16.6E2,1X,I5,1X,L1) rewind (10) read (10,10) at0(2) print *, at0...