Assessment & Evaluation in Higher EducationChen, Q., Kettle, M., Klenowski, V., & May, L. (2013). Interpretations of formative assessment in the teaching of English at two Chinese universities: a sociocultural perspective. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 38(7), 831-846. https...
1)formative assessment形成性评估 1.The formative assessment in college English teaching;形成性评估在大学英语教学中的应用 2.Study on the methods of formative assessment on college english performance;大学英语课程形成性评估方法研究 3.The Application of Formative Assessment in Multimedia Computer-assisted La...
FormativeAssessmentandEnglishTeaching 2012-10-30 Keypoints 1Whatisformativeassessment?2FormativeassessmentinNationalCurriculumStandards?3WaystoactualizeFA:casestudy 1.Whatisformativeassessment?裁判奥运会比赛全国乒乓球比赛平时训练目的形式目的形式目的形式 教练 观众 队友 运动员 思考:1教师应该是...
A b str act :Now ,English teachers show greater and greater concerns over multimedia teaching method.H ow to e. valuate reasonably and effectively the new teaching method becomes one of the cru cial part in the t eaching process .Formative assessment help s th e all—rou nd evaluation ...
means to improve their learning efficiency.This paper makes a literature review of formative assessment about its concept,functions and researches both home and abroad,points out the issues of the current assessing system and finally suggests introducing assessment formative in college English teaching. ...
形成性评价,formative assessment 1)formative assessment形成性评价 1.The Application of Principle of Formative Assessment in the Classroom Teaching of English Methodology;形成性评价在英语教学论课堂教学中的运用 2.Formative Assessment in English Integrated Course Teaching for English Majors;英语专业综合英语课程...
In the present assessment system in College English teaching and learning,summative assessment that unilaterally emphasizes the result has many side-effects,however,formative assessment that lays emphasis on the process of learning is profitable to enhance students' ability of autonomous learning and the ...
Learn about formative assessments, their types, benefits, impact on student learning, and how they differ from other types of assessments in higher education.
Nearpod offers nine types of Formative Assessment tools designed for teachers to capture real-time insight into all students' understanding in any lessons.
which can be used to adapt teaching and learning to the students needs and achievement enhancement.This paper first makes a literature review of formative assessment about its concept and value.Then strategies of formative assessment are discussed.Conclusions suggest that in College English Teaching,...