One of the requirements of modern education, that is also a case of debate which we face every day in the pedagogical practice and in the successful realization of the learning process, is to control and evaluate the knowledge and the achievement of the students. During the evaluation, we ...
Elementary School ScienceBotanyGeneticsHeatScientific ConceptsCartoonsScaffolding (Teaching TechniquePersuasive DiscourseThe purpose of this study was to investigate how concept cartoons, together with other diagnostic and scaffolding tools, could be used in formative assessment, to stimulate talk and ...
The CFA-model was primarily changed with regard to the assessment techniques. Teachers indicated that classroom management and preparation time were preconditions for an optimal implementation. Analysis of covariance was used to explore students' learning outcomes. The results showed that a correct ...
The purpose of this study was to investigate elementary teachers' and principals' formative assessment beliefs, assessment practices, and assessment literacy. The study addressed the following questions: Are teachers' and principals' levels of assessment literacy different? Are there differences in level...
In The Formative Assessment Handbook: Resources to Improve Learning Outcomes for All Students, delivers a crucial toolkit of ready-to-go ideas, activities, and reproducibles that make it easy to implement formative assessment quickly, effectively, and ef
Together the scenarios demonstrate that assessment data can be used formatively by a wide range of educational decision-makers not least teachers, to inform the next teaching moment of a lesson, the focus of the next lesson(s), additional instruction during the year, or teaching in future years...
This paper investigates the effects of formative assessment (FA) via artificial intelligence (AI) on EFL students’ reading comprehension development, online academic enjoyment, personal best goals (PBGs), and academic mindfulness. To achieve this, 80 Ku
The article draws from 199 sources on assessment, learning, and motivation to present a detailed decomposition of the values, theories, and goals of format
the students will upload their screenshots to a Draw It and use the tools to explain why they chose that image. Some formative assessment examples include elementary, middle, and high school students participating in a math or science PhET Interactive Simulation. During the activity, they need to...
Exploring formative assessment in primary school classrooms: Developing a framework of actions and strategies The importance of formative assessment in facilitating student learning has been well established in the literature. However, defining and implementing for... P Antoniou,M James - 《Educational A...