Lake ice grows in a static way , which means that the ice production is only within a vertical and a consequence of vertical heat losses to the atmosphere. The ice is not progressing in any horizontal direction due to currents or floating ice. When there is no or little snow on the ice...
Great Salt Lake in Utah is the shrunken remnant of this once large lake. Although the first time that early man walked on the earth is uncertain, he is largely a product of the Great Ice Age. Present information shows that during this time he evolved rapidly both physically and culturally....
At all lake sites examined, the ice comprised two distinct layers: a snow ice (SI) layer on top and a congelation ice (CI) layer below. The SI layer occupied as much as 29-73% of the total ice thickness, a much greater fraction than that reported for lakes at Arctic high latitudes...
Ice formation on lake surfaces in winter causes warm-season bias of lacustrine brGDGT temperature estimates 来自 学术范 喜欢 0 阅读量: 157 作者:J Cao,Z Rao,F Shi,G Jia 摘要: It has been frequently found that lacustrine branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGT)-derived ...
1.the act or process of forming or the state of being formed. 2.the manner in which a thing is formed; formal structure or arrangement. 3. a.a particular arrangement or disposition of persons, as of troops or players on a team. ...
lake icelong-term monitoringFor the only time in 52 years of monitoring the ice-cover dynamics of Mirror Lake, New Hampshire, USA, complete ice cover formed for 6 continuous days (24–30 Nov 2018), melted to open water for 5 continuous days (30 Nov to 4 Dec 2018), and then refroze...
A better understanding of iceberg melting and lake ice formation could provide new indicators of climate change. Eric Hester has spent the last three years chasing icebergs. A mathematics graduate student at theUniversity of Sydneyin Australia, Hester, and researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Instit...
During the 2012 survey, samples of ice were collected from Lake Erie. Individual pieces of ice (B20 cm2) were passed through three rinses of filtered (o0.2 mm) lake water and placed in a sealed plastic bag to melt. The resulting meltwater was used for ice nucleation assays. Surface ...
lake iceVostok ice corelake water salinityThe investigation of chemical and isotopic properties in the lake ice from the Vostok ice core gives clues to the mechanisms involved in ice formation within the lake. A small lake water salinity can be reasonably deduced from the chemical data. Possible...