Les Iade contribuent activement à la réingenierie de leur formationdoi:REVINF-03-2011-60-169-1293-8505-101019-201101207This paper introduces a probabilistic adaptation of the algorithm GRASP (Greedy Randomize Adaptive Search Procedure), in the solution of a bi-objective transportation problem. The...
Laboratoire Rennais de Chimie et Ingenierie des PrecedesStephan BrosillonJeremy ArlotAlain LaplancheDominique TozzaJacques CavardChemosphereFreuze, I., Brosillon, S., Arlot, J., Laplanche, A., Tozza, D., Cavard, J., 2006. Impact of UV-irradiation on the formation of odorous chloroaldi...