composition(degouvernement) formation formationdans le dictionnaire PONS Traductions deformationdans le dictionnaire anglais»français (Aller àfrançais»anglais) Afficher le résumé de tous les résultats formation[fɔ:ˈmeɪʃən,Amfɔ:r-]SUBST ...
The conformational composition of and structure formation in polyvinylchloride over a wide range of molecular weightsStructure and functioning of anthers have been studied in Ficus carica L., F. sycomorus L. and F. religiosa L. Polleniferous figs of F. carica produce numerous male flowers with ...
organized minichromosome [22–24] which apparently also contains viral core protein [23,25] and HBx [26]; HBx positively impacts cccDNA transcriptional activity [27–30] by de-repressing, perhaps inter alia, a restriction by the structural maintenance of chromosomes (Smc) c...
Microscopicparticles,nanoscale particles 1IntrOductiOn Ageochemicalprovincemaybedefinedasarelatively largesegmentoftheearth’scrustinwhichthechemical compositionissignificantlydifferentfromtheaverage valueofcrust,anditcanprovideinitialexplorationtargets withconsiderablyeconomicsignificance(Hawkeseta1., 1962;Roseeta1..1979...
Sukenik, A., S. Stojkovic, N. Malinsky-Rushansky, Y. Viner-Motzini & J. Beardall, 2009. Fluorescence approaches reveal variations in cellular composition during formation of akinetes in the cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon ovalisporum . European Journal of Phycology 44: 309–317....
Monoterpene Formation in Spike Lavender Plants Isabel Mendoza-Poudereux 1,* ID , Erika Kutzner 2, Claudia Huber 2, Juan Segura 1, Isabel Arrillaga 1 and Wolfgang Eisenreich 2 ID 1 Departamento de Biología Vegetal, ISIC/ERI de Biotecnología y Biomedicina BIOTECMED, Universidad de Valencia, ...
The particle size does not have influence on the hydrate composition. Katsuki et al. [14] observed that the crystal morphology in the porous medium filled with the methane-saturated liquid water depends upon the magnitude of the mass transfer of the methane molecules in the liquid water. Babu ...
The nominal composition is 72.1 wt % TiH2-16.3 wt % Si-11.6 wt % C, with the element mole ratio of Ti:Si:C = 3:1.2:2. Excessive silicon powders were added in order to compensate for their loss at high temperature [15] and to improve the purity of the final samples [13]. Raw ...
organized minichromosome [22–24] which apparently also contains viral core protein [23,25] and HBx [26]; HBx positively impacts cccDNA transcriptional activity [27–30] by de-repressing, perhaps inter alia, a restriction by the structural maintenance of chromosomes (Smc) complex Smc5/6 [31–...
The finding that the enzyme composition of the terminal part of the respiratory chain strongly influences partitioning of electron flow between O2 and NO3− reduction prompted a subsequent evaluation of redox status of cytochromes c, electron donors for the key denitrification enzymes, by dual ...