Borrebaek, Formation of creatine phosphate from creatine and 32P-labeled ATP by isolated rabbit heart mitochondria. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun . 76 : 882–887 (1977).Yang WCT, Geiger PJ, Bessman SP, Borrebaek B: Formation of creatine phosphate from creatine and 32P-labelled ATP by ...
These candidates were validated with respect to their role in HCV replication by using RNA interference-based screening (Fig. 1c and Supplementary Data 2). In this way, we could validate 38 hits as HCV dependency factors. Amongst identified hits were acylglycerolphosphate acyltransferase (AGPAT) 1...
To elucidate the role of the Rheb-syntenin interaction in spine synapse morphogenesis, we first compared syntenin levels in WT and TSC neurons. We used spontaneous Tsc2-mutated rats (Eker) as a model of TSC22. We cultured hippocampal neurons of WT and heterozygous Eker (Tsc2 þ /–) rat...
Studies on the role of phospholipids in phagocytosis. The increased incorporation of P into phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylinositol in polymorphonuclear leukocytes undergoing phagocytosis is not secondary to an elevated specific activity of adenosine triphosphate during phagocytosis. The... PS Sastry - 《...
Most studies suggest that GSDMD-dependent macrophage pyroptosis plays a harmful role.12, 18, 19, 20 However, these studies do not exclude a plausible alternative effect of GSDMD mediating NETosis in neutrophils and whether NETs could be the mediator responsible for sepsis multiorgan dysfunction. ...
powerfultoolfordissectingthedynamicsof spliceosomesincells.Inadditionourdatawill informthedesignofsyntheticsplicingmodulator compoundsfortargetedanti-tumortreatment. INTRODUCTION Pre-mRNAsplicingplaysanessentialroleintheexpres- sionofeukaryoticgenomes.Splicingremovesintervening sequences(introns)thatinterruptnearlyallof...
W: Local inhibition of angiotensin II formation and bradykinin degradation in isolated hearts. Clin Exp Hypertens A - BA, Linz - 1988 () Citation Context ... in the isolated guinea pig heart. The major role of ACE in the conversion of Ang I and Bk in the coronary circulation was ...
W: Local inhibition of angiotensin II formation and bradykinin degradation in isolated hearts. Clin Exp Hypertens A - BA, Linz - 1988 () Citation Context ... in the isolated guinea pig heart. The major role of ACE in the conversion of Ang I and Bk in the coronary circulation was ...
The male and female IL-32γTG mice displayed similar IL-32γserum levels (Fig. 1d). The vertebrae also revealed a high-bone- mass phenotype in IL-32γTG mice (data not shown). To gain more direct evidence for the role of IL-32γin bone formation, we explored the ...
CREATINE AND CREATININEExtracts and homogenates of liver tissue of rats were found to form creatine from methyl phosphate and guanidoacetic acid. The reaction was inhibited by oxygen or by Mg ions but was activated by citrate. Methyl phosphate did not serve as a source of methyl groups in the...