Blazing trails: Microquasars as head-tail sources and the seeding of magnetized plasma into the ISM We discuss the dynamics of microquasar jets in the interstellar medium, with specific focus on the effects of the X-ray binaries' space velocity with respe... S Heinz,HJ Grimm,RA Sunyaev,.....
They appear to have formed by mixing of compositionally contrasting magmas, thereby providing insights into the dynamics of pre-eruptive processes. We present petrographical, petrological and geochemical data of hybrid North Su lavas in order to place constraints on the magma plumbing system. We ...
crustal magma chambers can form in a few thousand years or less by dike transport from the hot-zone melt layer. Instability and disruption of earlier plutonic rock occurred in a few decades or less just before or during super-eruptions.
Anderson,E.M., The Dynamics of Faulting and Dyke Formation with Application to Britain, 191 pp., Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1942.ANDERSON, E. M. 1942. The Dynamics of Faulting and Dyke Formation with Applications to Britain. ... - The dynamics of faulting and dyke formation with applicat...
The changes in global Earth dynamics and the generation of extensional stresses alone may have led to the breakup of Pangea, triggering the eruption of large volumes of magma over short period of time. The same factors led to the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. We provide arguments that the ...
The changes in global Earth dynamics and the generation of extensional stresses alone may have led to the breakup of Pangea, triggering the eruption of large volumes of magma over short period of time. The same factors led to the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. We provide arguments that the ...
Iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits are a globally important source of copper, gold and critical commodities. Despite their relevance, IOCG deposits remain an ill-defined clan, with a range of characteristics that has complicated development of the general genetic model. Here we focus on the ...
These findings should help to improve models of the internal dynamics of the Earth during its early stages of development. By discovering a neodymium-142 deficit in relatively young rocks, formed around a billion years after the crystallization of the magma ocean, the researchers have shown that ...
Magma dynamics and collapse mechanisms during four historic caldera-forming events. J. geophys. Res. 113 (2008). Fontaine, F. R., Roult, G., Michon, L., Barruol, G. & Di Muro, A. The 2007 eruptions and caldera collapse of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion Island) ...
Porphyry deposits are large, low-grade metal ore bodies that are formed from hydrothermal fluids derived from an underlying magma reservoir. They are important as major sources of critical metals for industry and society, such as copper and gold. However