ed. New York: Doubleday, 1985.(16) 连续出版物条目格式(Works Cited: Periodicals)MLA格式对报纸、学术期刊等连续出版物的引用要求有所不同,具体参看以下各条。(17) 报纸杂志(An Article in a Newspaper or Magazine)基本格式:Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Periodical Day Month Year: pages....
1、将“Works Cited”居中,不能使用斜体,加粗或者加下划线。“Works Cited”页需要包含所有正文中引用的文献。所有MLA格式的论文都需要有“Works Cited”页。2、将参考文献按照字母顺序编排。所有的引用都需要按照作者姓的字母顺序进行编排。如果引用文献没有作者姓名的话,可以用文章或者书标题的第一个词的字母来编排...
MLA Format: Works CitedRevised
MLA_Format_for_Works_CitedMLA Format for Works Cited 1 Book by one author BASIC FORM: (注:以下黑色字体均为格式要求) Author’s Surname, First Name,Title of Work. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. EXAMPLE:(注:以下红色字体均为例证) Creel, Margaret Washington.A Peculiar ...
文内引用项要与你的“Works Cited”页中的条目相对应。如上述对Burke的引用,在Works Cited中应有如下项: Burke, Kenneth.Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life, Literature, and Method. Berkeley: U of California P, 1966. 如同时进行多项文内引用,用分号将各引用信息分开。例: ...as has been di...
MLAWorksCitedFormat40MLA7thedition41 系统标签: mlaformatcitedworkseditionpurdue MLAWorksCitedFormat(MLA7 th edition) Notes: Theworkscitedentriesarearrangedalphabeticallybythefirstlettersineachentry. Firstlinesarenotindented;Second,third,ormorelinesAREindentedoneTAB! Everythingisdouble-spaced!Thispaperisnotdoubl...
There are numerous differences between MLA format and other academic formats. One of the most notable is how sources are cited. What are some examples of MLA citations? In-text citation: (Lamott 28). Reference listed on the works cited page: Coates, Ta-Nehisi. Between the World and Me. ...
Updated 5/8/2007• Works cited should be listed in alphabetical order based on the first letter of each citation. • If the citation is longer than one line, all lines after the first should be indented (this is called a hanging indent). • Citations are double-spaced. • When ...
In addition to the listed elements above, every MLA essay must include a Works Cited. MLA format doesn’t require a title page, but it also doesn’t deem them unnecessary, so it’s up to your professor whether you’ll need one or not. One way to take the edge off the process of ...
WhataretheMainElementsofanessayformattedinMLAStyle •Firstpageformattingnecessities •WorksCited •ParentheticalCitation(alsoknownasParentheticalReferences,orParentheticalDocumentation)AreYouConfusedYet?MainElement#1:FirstPage FormattingNecessities •Header(topright--lastnameandpagenumber)•Heading(topleft--Your...