Single quotes and double quotes can both be used to declare strings in Python. You can even use triple-double quotes! Learn when to use each in this lesson as well as variable substitution in strings. foo ='What is up'foo='What\'s up'foo="What's up"foo="""what's up man !"""...
①首先介绍字符串插值(f-strings)和str.format()方法来将变量值插入到字符串中,例如print('My name is %s and I am %d years old.' % (name, age));②其次介绍了如何使用格式说明符来控制变量在输出中的显示方式,例如指定浮点数的小数点后位数或整数的进制。例如print('The value of x is {:.2f}...
为了进一步简化格式化方法,Eric Smith 在2015年提交了 PEP 498 -- Literal String Interpolation 提案。Python 3.6 引入了新的字符串格式化方式 f-strings,字符串开头加上一个字母 f ,与其它格式化方式相比,不仅简洁明了,可读性更好,更不容易出错,而且运行效率也更高 name='小伍哥' f'Hello,{name}' 'Hello,小伍...
1. in python3 use dict to formate strings: >>>print(“%(a)s” % {'a’:'b’}) b >>>a = ‘b’ >>>print(“%(a)s” % locals()) b 2. in Python 2.6 on up you can use the new format() method on strings: >>>'{a}'.format(a = ‘spam’) 'spam’ 3. using string ...
Using f-strings in the preceding example would look like this:python Copy print(f"On the Moon, you would weigh about {mass_percentage} of your weight on Earth.") Output: On the Moon, you would weigh about 1/6 of your weight on Earth....
Formatted String Literals (f-strings)¶ This method is known as Literal String Interpolation or f-strings. It makes the string interpolation simpler by embedding the Python expressions inside string constants. It works by prefixing the string either withforF. The string can be formatted in the...
2.python3.6加入的新格式化方案:f-strings 定义一个变量。 字符串前加f符号。 需要格式化的位置使用{变量名}。 #coding:utf-8 info='mynameis%s,myageis%s' name_01='小编' age_01=10 name_02='dewei' age_02=33 print(info%(name_01,age_01)) print(info%(name_02,age_02)) message='您好,今天...
在 Python 中,可以使用type()函数来判断一个变量的类型。例如:x = '1' y = 1 print(type(x))...
从Python 3.0 开始,format()函数被引入以提供高级格式化选项。 从Python 3.6 开始,Python f 字符串可用。 该字符串具有f前缀,并使用{}评估变量。 一、%用法 1、整数的输出 %o —— oct 八进制 %d —— dec 十进制 %x —— hex 十六进制 1 >>> print('%o' % 20) ...
As we learned in the Python Variables chapter, we cannot combine strings and numbers like this:ExampleGet your own Python Server age = 36txt = "My name is John, I am " + ageprint(txt) Try it Yourself » But we can combine strings and numbers by using f-strings or the format()...