Python print(f"On the Moon, you would weigh about{round(100/6,1)}% of your weight on Earth.") Output:On the Moon, you would weigh about 16.7% of your weight on Earth. Using an expression doesn't require a function call. Any of the string methods are valid as well. For example,...
element_index ::= integer | index_string index_string ::= <any source character except"]"> + conversion ::="r"|"s"|"a"format_spec ::= <described in the next section> 针对format_spec 的用法如下 format_spec ::= [[fill]align][sign][#][0][width][,][.precision][type] fill ::... {:0>2d} 宽度为2,前边补0 保留小数点后两位 {:.2f} "{:s}, Time:{:.2f}min, Size:{:.2f}Gb".format(id, i
python中string的模板 string.format python 文章作者:Tyan 0. 测试环境 Python 3.6.9 1. 引言 Python中格式化字符串的方式有,一种是用%操作符来进行字符串格式化,一种是使用str.format()来进行字符串格式化,本文主要介绍str.format()方式,这种方式更主流,也是官方推荐的方式,%的方式后面会逐渐淘汰。 2. 格式化...
Python print(f"On the Moon, you would weigh about{round(100/6,1)}% of your weight on Earth.") Output:On the Moon, you would weigh about 16.7% of your weight on Earth. Using an expression doesn't require a function call. Any of the string methods are valid as well. For example,...
Python的format语法,可以用在两个场景:一个是{}.format中,另一个是f-string中,`f{xxx}'中,只不过后者支持外部定义的变量: # .format way 1 print('Hello {}!'.format('World')) # .format way 2 print('Hello {name}!'.format(name='World')) # f-string name = 'World' print(f'Hello {nam...
Python用format格式化字符串 - Xjng - 博客园 6.1. string - Common string operations - Python 3.6.4 documentation 在学习Python的过程中,我们常常会使用print语句,用于字符串输出。一般情况下,我们是这么使用的: >>>print('hello world')helloworld>>>print('hello%s'%('world'))helloworld ...
% (10,'hello',20,9.3)'|hello | 9.3|'>>>参考资料:声明在字符串参数前面需要一个长度参数例如:'[%*s]' % (10,'a')==> '[ a]'
string 拼接 可以使用+实现两个字符串的拼接。 a = "Hello" b = "World" c = a + b print(c) --- output --- PS E:\dream\markdown\python> & "C:/Program Files (x86)/Python/python.exe" e:/dream/markdown/python/app/
使用f-string,在Python3.6及以上版本中,引入了f-string的语法糖。它可以更加简洁地实现字符串格式化操作。例如:print(f"My name is {my_name}, and I am {age} years old.")输出结果与上述相同。需要注意的是,f-string的格式化功能与format()函数相同,因此可以使用相同的格式化语法。使用format_map(),...