Format Specifier Name Description Data type Range Size %d or %i Decimal integer Signed integer in base 10 int -2147483648 to 2147483647 4 bytes %f Float Floating point number with six digits of precision float 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38 4 bytes %Lf Long double Floating...
To see this value expressed as a character instead of an integer, in the Name column, after the variable name, add the character format specifier , c. The Value column now appears with 101 'e'.Format SpecifiersThe following tables show the format specifiers that you can use ...
Specifier Format Expression Value Displayed d,i signed decimal integer 0xF000F065, d -268373915 u unsigned decimal integer 0x0065, u 101 o unsigned octal integer 0xF065, o 0170145 x,X Hexadecimal integer 61541, x 0x0000f065 l,h long or short prefix for: d, i, u, o, x, X 00406042...
tFor integer types, specifiesprintfto assume aptrdiff_t-sized integer argument. ... The function may expect a sequence of additional arguments, each holding a value to replace a format specifier in the format string, depending on the format string (or a pointer to a storage location, for n...
If you have a pointer to an object you want to view as an array, you can use an integer to specify the number of array elements: ptr,10 Size Specifier for Pointers as 2D Arrays If your pointer is a pointer to a 2-dimensional array, you can also specify a size for both dimensions,...
If you have a pointer to an object you want to view as an array, you can use an integer to specify the number of array elements: ptr,10 Size Specifier for Pointers as 2D Arrays If your pointer is a pointer to a 2-dimensional array, you can also specify a size for both dimensions,...
printf("My favorite letter is: %c", 'D'); Try it Yourself » However, it is more sustainable to use variables as they are saved for later and can be re-used whenever.Exercise? What format specifier is used to print an integer value in C? %f %d %c %sSubmit Answer »...
The debugger might not be able to deduce the type of variable, or you might just have a memory address that naturally has no type information. For example, the hr format specifier will display the Win32 or HRESULT corresponding to the value. Other examples include su, which will display ...
Defining format specifiers that enable the string representation of an object's value to take multiple forms. For example, the "X" format specifier in the following statement converts an integer to the string representation of a hexadecimal value. int integerValue = 60312; Console.WriteLine(integer...
if (result.Length > ACCT_LENGTH) result = result.Substring(0, ACCT_LENGTH); if (ufmt == "I") // Integer-only format. return result; // Add hyphens for H format specifier. else // Hyphenated format. return result.Substring(0, 5) + "-" + result.Substring(5, 3) + "-" + resul...