數值numericSqlDecimal 數值floatDouble 數值realSingle 數值smallmoneyDecimal 數值moneyDecimal 日期及時間dateDateTime 日期和時間timeTimeSpan 日期及時間datetimeDateTime 日期及時間smalldatetimeDateTime 日期及時間datetime2DateTime 日期及時間datetimeoffsetDateTimeOffset ...
大纲 money_format description Syntax example keywords SelectDB Cloud SQL 手册 函数 string-functions money_formatmoney_format descriptionSyntaxVARCHAR money_format(Number)将数字按照货币格式输出,整数部分每隔3位用逗号分隔,小数部分保留2位examplemysql> select money_format(17014116); +---+ | money_format(17...
String.Format 格式化货币的小问题 今天在开发过程中,遇到一件让我觉得比较纳闷的事情:用String.Format 格式化充值金额的时候,我这样处理: String.Format("{0:C2}", dr["InpourMoney"].ToString())后,并没有像预期在充值金额前面加上货币符号¥, 反而 String.Format("{0:C2}", dr["InpourMoney"]) 这样处...
数字numericSqlDecimal 数字floatDouble 数字realSingle 数字smallmoneyDecimal 数字moneyDecimal 日期和时间dateDateTime 日期和时间timeTimeSpan 日期和时间datetimeDateTime 日期和时间smalldatetimeDateTime 日期和时间datetime2DateTime 日期和时间datetimeoffsetDateTimeOffset ...
UDT 的所有欄位都應該是下列其中一種可串行化的型別:bool、、sbyteSqlInt64SqlInt16SqlInt32SqlByteshortbyteSqlMoneySqlDoubleushortintSqlDateTimelongdoubleulonguintfloatSqlSingle,或包含這些類型之字段的使用者所定義的其他實值型別。 匯總不得指定的值MaxByteSize。
...六、更新 emp 表和dept 表关联数据 这里继续使用上文提到的 emp 表和dept 表,数据如下: 图片 可以看到上述 emp 表中jack 的部门名称与 dept 表实际不符合,现在我们想将...SELECTcoalesce(name, '总金额') name,SUM(money) as money FROM order_diy GROUP BY name WITH ROLLUP; 查询结果...如果一...
SQL Server SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View Index .5in is not a valid unit designator. Valid unit designators are in, mm, cm, pt, pc. 'No such host is known' error when configuring Reporting database 'Oracle' data extension not registered 'Return' statement in a Function,Get,or...
The following example returns five rows from theSales.CurrencyRatetable in theAdventureWorks2022database. The columnEndOfDateRateis stored as typemoneyin the table. In this example, the column is returned unformatted and then formatted by specifying the .NET Number format, General format, and Curre...
The following example returns five rows from theSales.CurrencyRatetable in theAdventureWorks2022database. The columnEndOfDateRateis stored as typemoneyin the table. In this example, the column is returned unformatted and then formatted by specifying the .NET Number format, General format, and Curre...
The following example returns five rows from theSales.CurrencyRatetable in theAdventureWorks2022database. The columnEndOfDateRateis stored as typemoneyin the table. In this example, the column is returned unformatted and then formatted by specifying the .NET Number format, General format, and Curre...