A functional region is a type of region that is defined by a specific social or economical attribute. The attribute is often based in the center of the region as a type of focal point. What is a vernacular region in AP Human Geography? A vernacular region is a region that is often defi...
In most previous works and on the geological map of Digne (Graciansky et al. 1982; Olivero & Atrops 1996) it was described as the "Calcaires à Cancello- phycus" Formation which, in the studied region, ranges from Aalenian to Bathonian and is covered by the "Terres Noires" Formation ...
are different from the broader farming population in the region in that, on average, they are younger, have larger farms, and have lower rates of land ownership (USDA NASS2017; PFI2020). Member farmers have greater-than-average adoption of conservation practices compared to other farmers in the...
In different region person, because the environment different, the survival way different, the geography climate different, the thought idea different, the humanities history different, bear oneself is different, the cultural disposition characteristic is also different.The example, the Chinese for[transla...
To keep the approach systematic and uncover geography-related issues, the review process was carried out by continent. Google's search site, as well as Google Scholar and other related tools, have been helpful in this effort. Also, the use of keywords in the local languages, apart from ...
With the growth of the Asian American population in the Southern region of the United States, mainstream and Asian American community must be aware of both informal and formal supports that are available for the population in order to effectively address needs and allocate resources. This community...
On the hedge gains that you had called out, were those related to a specific sector, meaning energy, or were they region, like in Brazil or somewhere else, that drove the big gain this quarter? JOHN GERSPACH: I'm not going to go into specific things. But in general, the hedges that...
And then on the long-term debt, again, we're swapping out debt where we had issued it under higher credit spreads and replacing it with debt that is a bit more attractive to us today. BRENNAN HAWKEN: Yeah, I know. I'm sorry if I wasn't – I meant is there any geography impact ...
For example, on the one hand, even public transport users may benefit from employer-paid parking as it reduces the level of crowding discomfort they experience. On the other hand, this beneficial effect might be outweighed when they bear the financial burden employer-paid parking causes to the ...
Player 2 should pass the ball to REGION if CONDITION . Rule Learning for All Productions Transformation rules for productions should cooperate globally to generate complete semantic parses Redundantly cover every positive example by β = 5 best rules ...