Part of PHP Collective 0 I am using the following code in codeigniter,and getting error, because the form_validation is not running.Please help me to sort out the problem.The code in controller is: public function event_desc() { $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<div class=...
I'm having real trouble with Code Igniter. I have tried to enable errors which displays nothing useful and as far as I am aware, I am following the docs correctly. The problem I am having is that the validation_errors() function in the template does not echo validation problems. The val...
当使用CodeIgniter的form_validation库进行表单验证时,如果尝试提交表单时总是返回false,可能有以下几个原因: 表单验证规则设置不正确:在使用form_validation库时,需要设置相应的验证规则。可能是规则设置有误导致验证失败。可以检查验证规则的设置是否正确,包括字段名称、验证规则和错误消息等。 表单数据未正确传递:在提交表...
Once I run the categories array becomes "Array" as a string. I believe I have narrowed it down to "prep_for_form" function in the system/libraries/Form_validation.php file, but it seems like the recursive function is working correctly.$this->form_validation->run(); Thank you in advance...
For this we need to add function in system/libraries/Form_validation.php. public function greater_than_date($str, $min) { $date1=strtotime($str); $date2=strtotime($min); return $date1 > $date2; }Now, we need to set custom message which need to show when validation is fire. For ...
PHPCodeIgniter As a web application developer, form validation is a crucial part of your work, and it should not be underrated as it could lead to security flaws in your application. You should consider it a must if you're striving to provide a professional end user experience. ...
用这个,注意提交按钮的写法最重要参考文档:《外部页面调用网站表单提交项目》 #2楼 旺仔 2021-01-12 17:08:03 Chrome 0 迅睿框架技术-刘和平 {php extract(dr_get_form_post_value('liuyan'))} <form action="{$post_url}" method="post" id="myform" onsubmit="return addBook()"> {$myfield... 4. set_data()は検証ルールを定義する前に実行する必要がある $_POST以外のデータを検証する際に使うset_data()は、set_rules()を呼び出す前に実行しなければなりません。
因为在默认的system/language/下面有一个form_validation_lang.php的文件 在调用form_validation的时候CodeIgniter会自动调用form_validation_lang.php这个文件, 当把language设置成非 English时,CI就会到相应的语言文件夹中查找form_validation.lang.php这个文件
1,开启开发者模式,2 这个提交地址发给我试一试 #2楼 多鱼 2022-03-30 15:54:55 Chrome 0 迅睿框架联合创始人 已开启开发者模式 #3楼 迅睿框架联合创始人 2022-03-30 15:56:41 Chrome 0 没问题,提交成功的 #4楼 多鱼 20...