Now that you know the fundamentals of data validation with Flask-WTF, you can go ahead and apply your own validation logic and/or implement your own methods for both security and better user experience.
Notice we’re implying that the view is using SQLAlchemy here (SQLAlchemy in Flask), but that’s not a requirement, of course. Adapt the code as necessary. Things to remember: create the form from the request form value if the data is submitted via the HTTP POST method and args if th...
"StopValidation", flask-wtf扩展包提供了一个类:FlaskForm, 一般自定义的Form都要继承这个FlaskForm。 注意: 由于浏览器具有cookies功能,为了Form表单提交的安全性考虑, Form表单提交的时候需要指定CSRF令牌, 需要在Flask中设置SECRET_KEY: app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'hello-flask' # RuntimeError: A secret ...
meta_obj.update_values(meta)super(Form, self).__init__(self._unbound_fields, meta=meta_obj, prefix=prefix)#baseForm中的__init__()forname, fieldiniteritems(self._fields):#Set all the fields to attributes so that they obscure the class#attributes with the same names.setattr(self, name,...
flask 源码专题(四):wtforms Form实例化流程以及csrf验证,classLoginForm(Form):#首先执行后得到的结果是UnboundField()对象name=simple.StringField(label='用户名',validators=[validators.DataRequired(message='用户名不能为空'),],
flask--Wtform 一、Wtform WTForms是一个支持多个web框架的form组件,主要用于对用户请求数据进行验证。 安装: pip3 install wtform 用途: 1. 用户登录注册 当用户登录时候,需要对用户提交的用户名和密码进行多种格式校验。如: 用户不能为空;用户长度必须大于6;...
form = SignupForm()# Passed form validation? continueifform.validate_on_submit():# Create user object and add it to databaseuser = User(username =, password = generate_password_hash(, role =3) ...
flash("Some fields failed validation.","error")returnrender_template("pages/user_delete.html", title=title, action="Delete user", form=form, username=username, parent=url_for('user_overview', username=username)) 开发者ID:stgraber,项目名称:samba4-manager,代码行数:28,代码来源 ...
=['pwd']: raise validators.ValidationError("密码不一致") # 继续后续验证 #raise validators.StopValidation("密码不一致123123123") # 不再继续后续验证 name = simple.StringField( label='用户名', validators=[ validators.DataRequired() ], widget=widgets.TextInput(), render_kw={'class': ...
But having an extra field on the form doesn't seem an issue - we properly verify on validation that the field is (or isn't) allowed. Having dynamic validators also doesn't seem possible - but in reality - I would think that most applications, if they want to support username or email...