10、G-1145表格(可选): 如果你希望选择USCIS的邮件通知服务,可以填写并提交G-1145表格。 *请注意, 以上材料列表仅供参考,具体申请要求可能因个人情况或政策变动而有所不同。在提交申请前,请务必仔细核对并遵循USCIS的官方指导。 +2 发布于 2025-02-09 13:09・IP 属地北京 ...
the marriage was not entered into in good faith. Still. USCIS understands that the I-751 requirement is “meant to be a tool against fraud,” not “unlucky” marriages.[19]USCIS will consider the amount of commitment by both parties to the marital relationship. Such evidence may include[20...
After the I-130 is approved, the next step will be for the relative either to apply for an immigrant visa at a U.S. Consulate abroad[4] or, if physically present in the United States, to file with USCIS a Form I-485, Application to Adjust Status.[5]...
Form I-131F, Application for PIP for Certain Noncitizen Spouses and Stepchildren of U.S. Citizens, cost, eligibility, and USCIS updates.
Also known as the Alien Documentation, Identification & Telecommunications (ADIT) stamp, this “I-551 stamp” may be necessary if you need proof of your status while waiting for the new card to arrive. USCIS may be able to mail the stamp to you. In other cases, you may need to attend...
USCIS申请费: 535美元。 把所有申请材料装在一个大信封里,附上你撰写的封面信函,邮寄给USCIS。 第二部分申请(正式名称叫Adjustment of Status–身份调整) 需要的表格清单: Form I-485–Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status(注册永久居留权或调整身份申请,由申请人填写) ...
You need to create an online account with USCIS. This will also make it easier to receive case alerts, check your status, upload supporting evidence, and see all case correspondence. You can submit Form I-130 online even if your relative is already in the United States and they plan to ...