包: com.azure.ai.formrecognizer Maven 项目: com.azure:azure-ai-formrecognizer:4.1.8 java.lang.Object com.azure.ai.formrecognizer.FormRecognizerClient public final class FormRecognizerClient此类提供一个同步客户端,用于连接到 Azure 认知服务表单识别器。 此客户端提供同步方法来执行: 自定义表...
new FormRecognizerClient(credentials: ServiceClientCredentials, endpoint: string, options?: ServiceClientOptions) 參數 credentials ServiceClientCredentials 可唯一識別用戶端訂用帳戶的訂用帳戶認證。 endpoint string 支援的認知服務端點(通訊協定和主機名,例如:https://westus2.api.cognitive.microsoft.com)。 op...
new FormRecognizerClient(credentials: ServiceClientCredentials, endpoint: string, options?: ServiceClientOptions) 參數 credentials ServiceClientCredentials 可唯一識別用戶端訂用帳戶的訂用帳戶認證。 endpoint string 支援的認知服務端點(通訊協定和主機名,例如:https://westus2.api.cognitive.microsoft.com)。 op...
程序集: Azure.AI.FormRecognizer.dll 包: Azure.AI.FormRecognizer v4.1.0 Source: FormRecognizerClient.cs 使用使用自定义窗体训练的模型,识别一个或多个窗体中的页面。 C# 复制 public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Azure.AI.FormRecognizer.Models.RecognizeCustomFormsOperation> StartRe...
Form Recognizer has an API and SDK release, when upgrading we bump the API release and update the SDK so it is up to the customer to decide when to take the new release. Usually efforts are minimum just change the API path from 2.0 to 2.1, to consume new features customers might need...
Library name and version Azure.AI.FormRecognizer 4.1.0 Query/Question We are using Document Intelligence as a container. How can we use DocumentAnalysisClient without passing AzureKeyCredential or TokenCredentials for accessing it from o...
postgres 自增需要先进行创建自增序列, 指定自增值, 最小值, 最大值: CREATE SEQUENCE "public"....
容器报错信息为(两种): FailedSynError syncing pod, skipping: failed to "StartContainer" for "...
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pip install azure-ai-formrecognizer --pre Checkbox/Selection Mark Detection The Form Recognizer client libraries previously allowed you to extract text field values and tables from forms, and now will additionally extract checkboxes or radio buttons to tell you whether or not they have been selected...