在actions after submit添加一个重定向功能redirect,然后redirect里面添加mail to链接。mailto设置教程 support@yourwebsite.com要改成你的邮箱,其他的主题内容可以自定义。 mailto:support@yourwebsite.com?subject=Product%20Inquiry&body=Hi,%20I%20want%20to%20know%20more%20about%20your%20product. 收集表单数据...
<form action="url" method="get/post" name=" " autocomplete="off/on"></form> <form action="mailto:xxx@163.com" method="get/post"></form> 注意:当表单中有上传控件时,表单的发送方式必须为post,且需要规定表单在发送数据之前如何对数据进行编码的: <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-...
form标记 1.<form>表单标记 其基本语法结构如下: <formaction=urlmethod=get|postname=valueonreset=function1onsubmit=function2> </form> action属性:用于指定处理表单数据程序的url地址。采用电子邮件方式时,用action="mailto:目标邮件地址"。 method属性:指定数据传送到服务器的方式。当method=get(...
Usingmailtoin the form's action relys on the user's software. Worded differently, it relys on client-side software. There is a very old adage in web development: "only trust the server." I believe in that adage. That means that, if you want reliability, you have to process the form...
这种方式当表单的action属性值为mailto:URL的形式时比较方便,这种方式主要适用于直接通过表单发送邮件。 2.文件标签 <input type="file" name="myfile">标签用来提交文件。要注意的是,这个标签的value值并不是所选择的文件内容,而是这个文件的完整路径名。正如前面所说的,表单在提交表单时,如果采用默认编码方式,文件...
For example, the value might be a HTTP URI to submit the form to a program or a mailto URI to email the form. defaultButton Defines the default button for this document. This button will fire an event if the user presses the RETURN / ENTER key in the web agent. Usually the button...
mailto form lofi email browser web oncletom •0.1.2•11 years ago•0dependents•MITpublished version0.1.2,11 years ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT 90 io-ui-jsonform HTML JSON form submission polyfill based on http://darobin.github.io/formic/specs/json/ . ...