Launch static backdrop modal </button> 其中,data-target属性的Value是要触发的Modal的“id”。 ⑶ 长文滚动 当Modal对话框中的文本长度超过视口高度时,需要滚动查看内容。 “.modal”预定义了默认滚动方式,整个对话框独立于页面本身进行上下滚动; 还可以在“.modal-dialog”中添加“.modal-dialog-scrollable”类,...
Popover in a modalThis button triggers a popover on click.Tooltips in a modalThis link and that link have tooltips on hover.CloseSave changes 1. 2. 参考资料来源: ⑹ Modal大小 通过向“.modal-dialog”中添加各种尺寸类,定义整个对话...
> <?php$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbButton',array( 'label'=>'Close', 'url'=>'#', 'htmlOptions'=>array('data-dismiss'=>'modal'), )); ?> </div> <?php$this->endWidget(); ?> This is the javascript that loads the form inside the modal:...
在Bootstrap中,Modal默认是以块级元素的形式显示,即弹出框会独占一行。如果想要实现"inline"按钮,即将按钮与弹出框放在同一行,可以通过以下步骤实现: 创建一个按钮,并设置其样式为btn btn-primary,示例代码如下:<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">打开...
modal窗搭配datepicker使用的时候,datepicker获取光标会清空form里面的全部项目。 网上查了下原因如下: 点击日期选择器的时候会触发 ‘’ ‘’ 事件。 而我在模态窗打开的时候也调用了 ‘’ 并在事件中对表单进行初始化,点击选择器时触发了’’导致将form表单...
<a href="#myModal" role="button"class="btn btn-warning" data-toggle="modal"><spanclass="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-up"></span>点击弹出模态窗口</a> <divclass="modal fade" id="myModal"> <divclass="modal-dialog"> <divclass="modal-content"> ...
Bootstrap Leverage the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of Bootstrap to create visually appealing prototypes effortlessly. View UI Kit or Download itMUI Based on the latest MUI framework, this UI kit is your go-to tool for quickly and easily designing awesome screens and prototypes for any kind...
<a href="#modal-wizard" data-toggle="modal" class="pink"> Wizard Inside a Modal Box </a> </h4> <div class="hr hr-18 hr-double dotted"></div> <div class="widget-box"> <div class="widget-header widget-header-blue widget-header-flat"> ...
Inside <b>.container</b> </label> </div> </div><!-- /.pull-left --> <div class="pull-left width-50"> <div class="ace-settings-item"> <input type="checkbox" class="ace ace-checkbox-2" id="ace-settings-hover" autocomplete="off" /> ...
I'll try my best to explain what happens when I'm using django-bootstrap-modal-forms. I have a page that has a button that calls a POPUP (a modal form). This form has objective adds a 'unit of measurement' in a table. When the popup opens to user, he types the un...