Evaluator instructions: Assess associate’s job performance since the last evaluation by ticking the box that best describes the amount or degree of the trait or ability displayed by the associated on the job. 评估者应对员工自上次评估后的工作表现进行评价, 针对每项评估内容,在能最恰当地形容员工工作...
Performance Evaluation FormEmployees shall complete a self-assessment of their performance against any formal or informal goals, objectives, projects, or functional responsibilities and the expected leadership behaviors (Table 'B'). This form should be returned to their Immediate Supervisor who will then...
(较好的,优秀的表现) Agradeofpoororexcellentmustbejustifiedinthecommentssection,items9&10areoptionalfornon-supervisory employees.无论被评价为差还是有优秀,均需有评语说明:第9,10项为可选项,适用于有管理职能之职位. PartI(第一部分) RATING(级别)PERFORMANCEEVALUATIONCRITERIA绩效评定标准 ___1.QUALITYOFWORK...
Performance Evaluation Form 管培生考核表_中英 ManagementTrainee'sPerformanceEvaluation管培生考核表 Name姓名:Evaluator评价者:Date日期:Indicators指标 Maximum总分 Begiven评分 Abilitytolearn.Thetraineeshowswillingnesstolearnnew things,learnitcarefullyandputitintopracticaluse.学习能力。具备主动并认真学习新事物且能实际...
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (1):Consistently falls short of performance standards. INSTRUCTIONS Describe the employee's contributions in each of the performance categories below.It is IMPERATIVE that you illustrate specific, detailed examples since the last performance evaluation. Ratings MUST support and be substant...
a performance evaluation form:绩效考核表,工作评价书idiom 进一步了解… 仍然觉得使用“Performance evaluation form”有困难?试试我们的在线英语课程并接受免费水平评估吧! 免费试用 他们的意见 : 乐趣 维克多(德国,科隆) 我喜欢在线做我的语言课程。每天大约10分钟就够了... 谢谢!
The Performance Evaluation Process: After the Evaluation mobile app provides an easy to use checklist for what needs to happen after an employee evaluation. Request Demo Try It Free 5,000 Companies save time and money with GoCanvas This app can be completed using a Smartphone or tablet. You ...
Performance Evaluation FormEmployees shall complete a self-assessment of their performance against any formal or informal goals, objectives, projects, or functional responsibilities and the expected leadership behaviors (Table 'B'). This form should be returned to their Immediate Supervisor who will then...