The up- and downregulated DEGs are employed as separate entities for the purpose of conducting a GO-based enrichment analysis. (A) The GO enrichment of upregulated DEGs of the flash treatment. (B) The GO enrichment of upregulated DEGs of the 60 s treatment. (C) The GO enrichment of ...
often both verbal and non-verbal), domestic (designed specifically for use in the home), available for a relatively affordable price (USD $400–$700 range), and actually being robots with dedicated hardware (as opposed to software to be used in a general purpose computer, e.g., chat bots...
5. The Planning Strategy of Low-Carbon Urban The purpose of shaping "low-carbon urban form" is to reduce urban carbon emissions, which is achieved by shaping and constructing spatial form elements and coordinating and optimizing the interaction mechanisms between them. In order to achieve this ...
The overall size of the study area was determined by the number of data points given by an underlying analysis grid used for the purpose of analyzing the trade-offs between different potentials at the same location. Since the maximum size of one grid cell has to be small enough to capture ...