in addition to EDF Form No. (Present web-based process of generation of GR Form No. gets replaced) through its website . In order to generate the above number, the applicant has
demand liabilities at the rate of 5% has been calculated and maintained with Bangladesh Bank in current account and 18% statutory liquidity ratio, including CRR, on the same liabilities is also maintained in the form of treasury bills, bonds and debentures including FC balance with Bangladesh Bank...
7天前 - 据社交媒体消息,说是江南厂下水了第 26 艘 052D 驱逐舰,这是 052D 系列的最新一艘。就目前的状况来讲,052D 有个新批次在两个船厂 造呢,军迷暂且叫它 052DM。在这个批次造完之... 港媒:实力再度提升,中国海警将接收052D型驱逐舰改造的新型... 2024...
空气炮,又名空气助流器、破拱器、清堵器,是以突然喷出的压缩气体的强烈气流,超过一马赫(音速)的速度直接冲入贮存散体物料的闭塞故障区,这种突然释放的膨胀冲击波,克服物料静摩擦,使容器内的物料又一次恢复流动。详情 设备特点 工作原理 设备用途 选型原则 ...
demand liabilities at the rate of 5% has been calculated and maintained with Bangladesh Bank in current account and 18% statutory liquidity ratio, including CRR, on the same liabilities is also maintained in the form of treasury bills, bonds and debentures including FC balance with Bangladesh Bank...