Candidates can make use of the UPSC syllabus for their exam preparation. They can download the IAS syllabus as a PDF file. The CSE selection process comprises the prelims exam, mains exam and personal interview. To improve the IAS exam preparation, Candidates may refer to the previous year's...
Wave optics: Wavefront and Huygens principle, laws of reflection and refraction using Huygens principle. Interference young's double-slit experiment and expression for fringe width, coherent sources, and sustained interference of light Wave optics: Diffraction due to a single slit, width of central ...
Properties of triangles: Relation between sides and angles of a triangle, sine, cosine, tangent, and projection rules, half angle formulae and areas of a triangle, incircle and excircle of a triangle Mathematics: Unit 03Vector algebra Addition of vectors: Vectors as a triad of real numbers,...
Stabbliilised swipower pack - has rectifier, capacitor and output transistor to convert triangular wave formA generator produces a triangular voltage pulse which is directed to the input of an amplifier with a controllable gain. A switching facility converts the triangular voltage amplified by the...
It consists of a full bridge inverter (S1–S4), LCC resonance tanks (LS, CS, CP), a high voltage transformer (TR), a full-wave rectifier (D1–D4), and an LC filter, as shown in the Figure 2. The full bridge inverter is configured using MOSFET, and a lossless snubber capacitor ...