The meaning of FORM is the shape and structure of something as distinguished from its material. How to use form in a sentence.
The meaning of FORM is the shape and structure of something as distinguished from its material. How to use form in a sentence.
12 The technical label for the denotative aspect of signification is “nomination” or “naming” (nominatio), and the technical label for the ad intellectum aspect is “signification by generation” (significatio per generationem) [Abelard, 1970, p. 112 (4)]. When Abelard uses the word ...
the business will get the service particulars of the worker, as referenced in nomination, verified regarding the records of the foundation and return to the worker, subsequent to acquiring a receipt thereof, the copy of the nomination form 'F' appropriately validated either by the business or...
Threatened Species Nomination Form — For adding or changing the category of a native species in the list of threatened species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)Completed nominations may be lodged either:1. by email to:
(i) to cause there to be on the Board of Directors at all times that number of NAB Directors for which NAB maintains nomination rights pursuant toSection 2.1(d); (ii) to fill any vacancy on the Board of Directors created by the resignation, removal or incapacity of any NAB Director with...
No teacher used the word ‘creative’ or ‘creativity’ as a reason for nomination. 4.3.2. Comments from parents Interviews with the parents revealed the complete opposite view regarding giftedness to the teachers’ in relation to creativity. Parents (N = 174) were taken from the original ...
(the "Incumbent Board") cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority of the Board of Directors; provided, however, that any individual who becomes a Director subsequent to the Effective Date and whose election, or whose nomination for election by the Company'...
Please copy this nomination form for nominating more than one buyer. 本局保留最終選擇權利邀請買家參觀美食博覽.從未參觀過本局舉辦之展覽會買家,將獲 優先考慮. Priority of hotel sponsorship will be given to new visitor, and is subject to sole discretion of the Hong Kong Trade Development ...
?IPS Form 10-900(Rev. Aug. 2002)United States Department of the InteriorNational Park SewiceNATfONALREGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACESREGISTRATION FORMThls form IS for use in nom~nating requesting determinations for rndividual prdpert~es distrrcts. See rnstruct~ons How to Complete tho Nafionel Register...