The main motive behind filing the DIR-3 KYC form is to conduct annual KYC of the Directors of all the companies and LLP. This will update the ministry of company affairs database of all directors holding DIN. Earlier introduced as a one-time form, The MCA has now made this e-form mand...
Gen Complaw software is designed by SAG Infotech and it is used by professionals (Company Secretaries & Chartered Accountants) who wish to file e-forms with MCA, such as MGT-7, AOC-4, ADT-1, DIR3-KYC & Web, LLP 8, CHG-1 & 4, DPT-4, LLP-3 & 11, etc. As per Accounting Stan...
Company Strike Off | Commencement of Business | Fssai annual return | Online CA Consultancy | Income Tax Return Filling | LLP Annual Compliances | Form DIR-3 KYC | Virtual Office for Company Registration | Dubai Company Registration | Business registration for USA | Business registration for UAE...
[ "# This Python 3 environment comes with many helpful analytics libraries installed\n", "# It is defined by the kaggle/python Docker image:\n", "# For example, here's several helpful packages to load\n", "\n", "import numpy as np # linear...