来看bootstrapvalidator的描述:A jQuery form validator for Bootstrap 3。从描述中我们就可以知道它至少需要jQuery、bootstrap的支持。我们首先引入需要的js组件 <script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script> <script src="~/Content/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <link href="~/Content...
为左对齐和inline-block级别的控件设置.form-inline,可以将其排布的更紧凑。 需要设置宽度:在Bootstrap中,input、select和textarea默认被设置为100%宽度。为了使用内联表单,你需要专门为使用到的表单控件设置宽度。 一定要设置label:如果你没有为每个输入控件设置label,屏幕阅读器将无法正确识读。对于这些内联表单,你可...
为左对齐和inline-block级别的控件设置.form-inline,可以将其排布的更紧凑。 需要设置宽度:在Bootstrap中,input、select和textarea默认被设置为100%宽度。为了使用内联表单,你需要专门为使用到的表单控件设置宽度。 一定要设置label:如果你没有为每个输入控件设置label,屏幕阅读器将无法正确识读。对于这些内联表单,你可...
会强制显示(由于collapse默认是隐藏的) 3、内容支持nav、brand、form、toggler 4、Navbar-toggler(4.0移除):设定在屏幕小于breakpoint值时(768)显示,而在4.0则直接用collapse来展示此按钮,没有屏幕大小的限制,navbar-toggle的应用也要结合collapse使用 5、Navbar-static-top:只是增加了zIndex,去掉了圆角、边框宽度等...
Bootstrap supports all the HTML5 input types: text, password, datetime, datetime-local, date, month, time, week, number, email, url, search, tel, and color. Note:Inputs will NOT be fully styled if their type is not properly declared!
前端CSS 框架选用 BootStrap3 和 AdminLTE 作为管理框架为基础,JS 库采用 jQuery3 为核心框架,前端视图采用目前比较流行简单的 Beetl 模板引擎(使用 JS 语法,是我用过最好用,速度最快的后端模板引擎),取消了之前的JSP视图,为了减少耦合,并将所有视图文件分布到各个工程模块的资源目录下(如:/modules/core/src/...
For example, you get calendar date-picking options and dropdown options for the number of people. All elements work smoothly from the front-end side, plus it is a mobile responsive form. Hence, developers can fully focus on backend work without any worries. Like most other bootstrap ...
This Bootstrap Framework tool features two fields for name and email and a date picker. You can create a little slideshow to encourage more attendees to take action. SMALL details can increase the conversion rate, so it is worth trying. ...
A simple yet powerful library to build form for your class models. Motivations I found most form libraries for swift are too complicated to bootstrap a simple project. So I write ObjectForm to make it dead simple for building forms and binding model classes. ObjectForm doesn't fight with yo...
As an example, if you are using bootstrap and all theValidFormdefaults, here is how to recreate the example in the image at the top of this readme. /*Style the input itself when it is invalid*/.form-control.invalid{border-color:red; }/*Style the validation errors.By default, `ValidFo...