Félix González-Torres’s Untitled (Portrait of Ross in L.A.) [1991] uses its unconventional medium and presentation to reveal holes in the limited language of the traditional art historical narrative. Composed of a pile of metallic...
“high places”, which would explain why Hezekiah is also the king who destroyed it. Jesus’ crucifixion is specifically associated with Moses’ pole in the Gospel of John. Vases of Dionsysus show participants eating a bread and wine Eucharist in front of a pole bearing the likeness of a ...
4. the Preface of the Chrism Mass, also to be used (isn’t it now? I’m not sure) in the Ordinations of priests, 5. the Preface of the Eucharist, 6./7. one Preface each for Martyrs and Other Saints. I’m not sure whether as an alternative to the post-Trinity Sundays,...
Hylomorphism, (from Greek hylē, “matter”; morphē, “form”), in philosophy, metaphysical view according to which every natural body consists of two intrinsic principles, one potential, namely, primary matter, and one actual, namely, substantial form.