you'll need to repay the difference when filing yourForm 1040at tax time. But if you use less of the premium tax credit during the year than you qualified for, you'll receive the difference as a refundable credit on your return.
The Premium Tax Credit Will Be Calculated Via the Tax App for Marketplace Care. Enter the 1095-A Data and Form 8962 Will Be Generated.
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TurboTax Tip: You don't have to file Form 8862 if your EIC was denied or reduced because you claimed a child who wasn't a qualifying child in a prior year and you're claiming the credit without a child this year. Exceptions Form 8862 does not need...
TurboTax Tip: Companies who engage you as a contractor or make payments to you for services you provide will likely ask for a completed W-9. Likewise, banks, brokerage firms and other payers typically ask for a completed W-9 to prepare your 1099s to report items such as interest,...
TurboTax Tip: If you think you qualify for an electric car tax credit, TurboTax can help you fill out the correct forms. What other criteria must be met to receive a credit using Form 8834? When claiming an electric car tax credit with Form 8834, you’ll need to ma...
With TurboTax Live Business, get unlimited expert help while you do your taxes, or let a tax expert file completely for you, start to finish. Our small business tax experts are always up to date with the latest tax laws and will ensure you get every credit and d...
What is the Premium Tax Credit?Forget the Forms—TurboTax Has You Covered More in IRS Tax Forms W-2 Form: What Is It, Who Gets One, and MoreWhat Is an IRS 1099 Form?What is Form 1099-NEC?What is Form 1040-V?What Is Form 8822: Change of Address...
TurboTax Premiumuncovers industry-specific deductions for more tax breaks. Get your taxes done with 100% accuracy,guaranteed. $129$119* State additional Start for free Looking for more information? Related Articles Taking Business Tax DeductionsNew Small Business Legislation Benefits Both Businesses and...
TurboTax Tip: To enroll in the HCTC program, you need to register with the IRS by completing Form 13441-A and sending it with supporting documents. Using Form 8885 Part I of form 8885 establishes which months in the tax year you claim the HCTC. In Part II you declare the total ...