In Forms 3CA and 3CB, auditors’ information is included, while in Form 3CD, details of the tax audit are included. Name of the FormDefinition Tax Audit Form 3CA-3CD For taxpayers with business or professional income who are mandated to have their accounts audited under another Act (other...
Source: 1. Income Tax Act ,1961 2. ICAI Guidance notes on tax audit 3. ICAI Final Study Material Published by CA Aishwarya Joshi (Chartered Accountant) CategoryAuditReport Other Articles CommentShare 9 Likes25155 Views Comments
FORMNO.3CD (asamendedbyNotificationno.208/2006,dated10-8-2006) [Seerule6G(2)] Statementofparticularsrequiredtobefurnishedundersection44ABoftheIncome-taxAct,1961 PART-A Nameoftheassessee Address PermanentAccountNumber 4.Status 5.Previousyearended 31stMarch Assessmentyear PART-B 7.(a)IffirmorAs...