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134⭐ 16🍴 Translations) - The transfer of the meaning of a text from one language to another.1147⭐ 38🍴 Scriptable) - An iOS app for automations in JavaScript.210⭐ 21🍴 WebXR) - Enables immersive virtual reality and augmented reality content on the web....
74hc595: For me, working on improving collaborative creation tools in Overte has topmost priority. One of the biggest strengths of our software is the ability of creating worlds together with friends, and changes to the world being persistent. I want to develop creation tools so that virtual w...
Note that due to limitations in Quill, this is actually a semi-controlled mode, meaning that the edit is not prevented, but changing value will still replace the contents. Also note that passing a Quill Delta here, and then an HTML string, or vice-versa, will always trigger a change, ...
=> {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: mux_client_request_session: session request failed: Session open refused by peer\r\nssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host\r\n", "unreachable": true} The errors all seem to happen in openshift...
The uncompromising Python code formatter. Contribute to monokrome/black development by creating an account on GitHub.
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Please note that UnoCSS works at build time, meaning only statically presented utilities will be generated and shipped to your app. Utilities that used dynamically or fetched from external resources at runtime might not be applied.By default UnoCSS will extract the utilities usage from files in ...