checkingfluidlevel,leakingoil,orelectrolyte.ChecklistorotherChecklistsstartingon7. •DONOTusefuelorflammablecleaningfluids tocleanparts. Figure2-1:DirectionLever 2-2F-581-R1 PLANNEDMAINTENANCE IMPORTANT Beforeyouleavetheforkliftmakesurethat: •Theparkedforkliftwillnotcauseanobstruction orsafetyhazardandisclea...
Procedure for changing propane (LPG) cylinders: Wear eye protection and insulated, loose fitting gloves such as leather (dry) or insulated neoprene. Close the valve on the cylinder. Run the engine until it stops. This ensures that the connection hose is empty. ...
When performing this checklist to guide you on forklift safety and regular maintenance, it is important to take action on any issues that have arisen from your forklift checklist straight away. Here at Permatt, we can keep you running with ourForklift Maintenanceservices. We can provide you with...
safetyshoeswhenoperatingalifttruck.DonotNeverputanypartofbodyintothemaststructure wearlooseclothing.orbetweenthemastandthetruck InspectandchecktheconditionofyourforklifttruckDonotstart,stop,turnorchangedirection usingtheoperatorschecklistbeforestartingwork.suddenlyorathighspeed.Suddenmovementcan Immediatelyreporttoyour...
Error:Contact form not found. «How To Safely Operate Your Forklift Truck In The WinterForklift Maintenance Checklist» Sign Up To Our Newsletter Sign up to the Permatt Newsletter for Forklift news, tips and guides! By submitting you agree to our T&Cs...
Bendi B40i4 Forklift Truck 操作说明书手册 PDF.pdf,Model B40i4 Operator’s Manual LANDOLL CORPORATION 1900 North Street Marysville, Kansas 66508 (785) 562-5381 800-428-5655 ~ WWW.LANDOLL.COM F-580-R1 Table of Contents 1 Forklift Safety and Familiarity Bef
end of the RTA, extra verbal information was collected, focusing on training and experience, risk perception, safety attitudes, knowledge of the task, workplace transport risk perception, tasks of high functional complexity, high labor demand, pressure to make quick decisions, and work procedure. ...